

Review of Experience in the Construction European Evaluation Culture
摘要 评估是当今世界公共政策领域的重要工具之一。自20世纪70年代欧洲从美国引入评估以来,评估活动在欧洲各个政策领域均得到了发展。在推动评估活动发展的过程中,包括科技创新在内的公共政策领域中,评估文化这一旨在推动构建评估能力、有效发挥评估作用的概念也日益得到欧洲各国的关注。在介绍评估文化的相关概念、内容与作用,并对评估文化随欧洲公共政策、科技创新政策发展而逐步传播的主要历程和经验进行分析的基础上,从评估文化建设思路的角度探讨了推动我国科技评估工作的具体思路。 Evaluation is now one of the most important tools in the government policy. Evaluation has been development in many public policies areas in Europe since it was introduced from US in the 1970s. More and more concerning are given to the evaluation culture in Europe, which is valuable to the construction of evaluation capability and the improvement of the effectiveness of evaluation in the public policies including science and technology innovation policy. Based on the evaluation culture in the introduction to the concept, content and function, and to assess the history and experience of culture and gradually spread with the development of European public policy, the ways to improve Chinese science and technology e- valuation through developing evaluation culture are also discussed in the last part of the paper.
作者 徐峰
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期119-123,共5页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
关键词 评估 评估文化 欧洲 公共政策 科技评估 Evaluatiom Evaluation Culture Europe Public Policy Science and Technology Evaluation
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