

Initial Probe into Obama Doctrine
摘要 在奥巴马作为美国总统的第一届任期内,面对金融危机和国际格局的变动,奥巴马打着"变革"的旗号,以"巧实力"为手段,在对外政策方面推出了一系列重大举措:加强盟友关系,重塑大国关系,改善与伊斯兰国家的关系,重视和新兴国家的关系。通过这些举措,力图重振美国国威,重塑美国形象,维系美国衰落的世界霸权。奥巴马主义已初露端倪,这对美国全球战略以及21世纪的国际关系必将带来重要影响。 In his first term as the US President,facing the global financial crisis and the changes of the international situation,by using the excuse of reformation,taking the means of 'smart power',Obama has put forwards a series of important measures: reinforcing the relationship with his allies,rebuilding the relationship with global leading powers,improving the relationship with Islamic countries and paying special attention to the newly-emerging nations.By the measures,Obama attempted to re-emerging American superiority,rebuilding American image and protecting declining world hegemony of the USA.Obamaism is at its initial stage,which will bring forth important impact on American global strategy and international relationships in the 21st century.
作者 宋海洋
出处 《江汉大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期50-54,共5页 Journal of Jianghan University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 “奥巴马主义” 多边主义 巧实力 伊拉克战争 Obama doctrine multilateralism smart power the Iraq War
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