
再探中医学“圆运动”规律 被引量:50

Further study on the principle of 'the circular motion' in TCM
摘要 《灵枢·岁露论》云:"人与天地相参,与日月相应也",《吕氏春秋·圆道》指出:"日夜一周,圆道也。精行四时,一上一下,各与遇,圆道也。物动而萌,萌而生,生而长,长而大,大而成,成而衰,衰而杀,杀乃藏,圆道也",从寥廓太虚至银河星系,从太阳系星云漩涡运动至地球公转形成之五季迭替,再到人身元气之"生、长、化、收、藏",天地、万物、人身之变化皆遵循"圆运动"之道。平人乃一气周流,如环无端,"运动圆"则人身安和,"运动不圆"则百病由生。"阴阳环抱圆运动"、"五季迭替圆运动"、"五行更立圆运动"、"六气周流圆运动"、"十二经气环流圆运动"及"二十四节气环流圆运动"乃"圆运动"理论之核心体系。 It has been argued that the human body is closely related to the heaven and the earth and corresponded to the sun and the moon from Shaoshi in the Spiritual Pivot of Yellow Emperor's Classic of lnternal Medicine. Meaningfully, it has been listed some viewpoints on the Principle of the Round in the Spring and Autumn of Lv Buwei as follows. Firstly, a day and a night will become a circle and that's in accordance with the principle of the round. Secondly, the vital energy moves constantly during all the four seasons of a year, yin upwards and yang downwards, both of which meet each other in accordance with the principle of the round. Thirdly, various life forms which is affected by the cooperation of yin and yang. The formation will allow germination; germination will allow growth; growth will allow maturity; following maturity will be withering; following withering will be death, after death it will disappear. This process of life is in accordance with the principle of the round. Generally speaking, all vital phenomena must adapt to the law of circular motion, such as the development of borderless heavens, vortex motion of primordial solar nebula, alteration of the four seasons, found mental Qi's activities with germination, growth, reaping and storage, etc. So the qi of the people with balanced yin and yang will move incessantly without an end, that means people conforms to the principle of circular motion will bring on peace, while violates it may cause disease. The theory is formed by six core systems, which includes circular motions of communication between yin and yang, alteration of the four seasons, alternation of five elements, incessant movement of six qi, circumfluence of twelve collaterals and circulation of twenty-four solar terms.
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1516-1519,共4页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 国家中医药管理局"十一五"重点专科课题(No.2007BAI10B04-02)~~
关键词 圆运动 阴阳环抱 五季迭替 五行更立 六气周流 十二经气环流 二十四节气环流 Circular motion Communication between yin and yang Alteration of the five seasons Alternation of five elements Incessant movement of six qi Circumfluence of twelve collaterals Circulation of twenty-four solar terms
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