根据2010年昌黎黄金海岸国家级自然保护区遥感影像图、实地调查及资料收集,应用相对风险模型(relative risk model,RRM)对保护区进行了生态风险评价。基于该模型的评价可得到一种相对风险关系,适用于区域内不同评价小区间生态风险程度比较。为比较保护区内各部分的相对风险关系,在风险评价过程中依据保护区功能分区,将生态风险小区确定为核心区、缓冲区、七里海实验区、滦河口实验区和赤洋口实验区,与此同时将人为开发引起生态压力的风险源确定为养殖用地、人工岸线、建筑用地、旅游人数、公路沟渠和农业用地,通过风险源、生境、风险暴露与生态受体响应模型的建立与数据计算,得到了5个生态风险小区和6类风险源各自的相对风险值。结果表明,3个实验区的生态风险值均较高,且高于缓冲区和核心区,不利于保护区生态环境协调平稳和可持续发展。养殖用地给保护区带来的生态风险压力最大,是保护区生态安全最主要的威胁因素。
Based on satellite remote sensing information, field investigation and collected documents in 2010, we conducted an ecological risk assessment on the Changli Gold Coast National Nature Reserve by applying the relative risk model(RRM). By applying this model, we obtained a relationship of relative risks, which is applicable to comparing ecological risk degree among the assessment subdivisions in the study area. In order to compare their relative risk values, the reserve is divided into five ecological risk districts according to their different functions, i. e. , core region, buffer region, Qilihai area, Luanhekou area and Chiyangkou area. Furthermore, we grouped the pressure sources caused by human development six risk resources, including fishery, artificial coastline, buildings, tourists, highway and canal, and agricultural land. By modeling the risk resources, habitats, risk-exposure and ecological receptor response and analyzing the data, the relative risk values for the five ecological risk areas and six risk resources were calculated. For the five ecological risk districts, the relative risk of Luanhekou is 3.45, Chiyangkou 2.46, Qilihai 2.19, core region 1.19, and buff- er region 0.45. For the six risk sources, the value of fishery is 2. 52, artificial coastline 2. 31, buildings 1.30, tourists 1.23, highway and canal 1.20, and agricultural land 1.19. The risk values in the three areas higher than the two regions indicated that the areas were not favorable for the sustainable development of the ecological environment of the nature reserve. Among the six risk sources, fishery imposed highest pressure on the reserve as the major threatening factor.
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation