
近五年国际图书情报学研究热点、前沿及其知识基础——基于17种外文期刊知识图谱的可视化分析 被引量:153

The Hot Domains,Research Fronts and Knowledge Base of International Library and InformationVisua Analysis of 17 Journals' Knowledge Map
摘要 从研究热点、研究前沿、知识基础分析三个方面对近五年来(2008~2012年)SCI和SSCI收录的图书情报学的17种高影响力外文期刊所刊载论文及其题录数据进行可视化计量研究。通过研究发现:第一、近五年国际图书情报学的研究热点分别是计量、管理、技术、网络、检索、医学卫生共六大研究领域;第二、近五年国际图书情报学研究前沿主要有医学信息学、引文分析、虚拟网络社区、语义信息检索等研究领域;第三、由13篇早期奠基性文献、10篇高被引文献和19篇高中心性关键文献共同组成了近五年国际图书情报学研究的知识基础。 Based on the bibliometrics and visualization methods, this paper analyzes 4602 papers in 17 international jour- nals included in SCI and SSCI in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) from 2008 to 2012. The hot domains, re- search fronts and the knowledge base are investigated respectively by means of knowledge mapping generated by visualiza- tion software. Conclusions are as flows. Firstly, investigations reveal that quantification, management, technology, network, retrieval, and medical health information have been the six research hot domains in LIS for the past five years. Secondly, in- vestigations reveal that medicine information, citation analysis, virtual community of network, semantic information retrieval have been research fronts in LIS for the past five years. Thirdly, the knowledge base collection of LIS for the past five years includes three areas namely 13 fundamental classical literatures which have a significant impact on international LIS field, 10 literatures of high frequency cited, and 19 key literatures of high centrality.
作者 邱均平 吕红
出处 《图书情报知识》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期4-15,58,共13页 Documentation,Information & Knowledge
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"基于语义的馆藏资源深度聚合与可视化展示研究"(11&ZD152)成果之一
关键词 图书情报学 知识图谱 研究热点 研究前沿 知识基础 可视化分析 Library and information science Knowledge map Hot domains Research fronts Knowledge base Visu-alization analysis
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