
冬季发酵床养猪舍内环境状况评价 被引量:11

Environmental Assessment of Deep Litter System on Pig Housing in Winter
摘要 为了探讨北方冬季发酵床猪舍内的环境状况,本试验对发酵床猪舍的环境进行了测定。在冬季11—12月份,每隔3天测定1次猪舍的温度、湿度、光照、风速和猪舍内氨气和二氧化碳浓度,每次测定在早、午、晚3个时间点测定。结果表明:冬季发酵床猪舍内环境温度为17.36℃;舍内的湿度相对较高,但基本上能够满足猪的生长要求;发酵床猪舍垫料10cm处的温度为26.14℃、20cm处的温度为26.35℃;发酵床猪舍内氨气的浓度为10.71mg/m3,二氧化碳的浓度为0.13%,氨气和二氧化碳含量均在卫生学范围内,不会对猪生产性能的发挥起不利作用。在本试验条件下,北方冬季发酵床饲养模式能够提高猪舍内的温度,显著改善猪舍内环境,有效解决了粪尿污染的问题。 In order to investigate the environmental condition o! cleep litter system ot pig nousmg m wlmer, tne paper was conducted to determine the environmental indicators. The study have determined the temperature, humidity, light, airflow velocity , ammonia content and carbon dioxide content every three days in the pig housing and each measurement was in the morning, afternoon and evening. The results showed that the temperature in it could reached 17.36℃, the humidity was relatively higher, but the environment could basically meet the growth requirements of the pigs. The temperature of the pig litter in deep litter system was 26.14℃ at 10 cm, and the temperature was 26.35℃ at 20 cm. Ammonia concentration of the pig housing was 10.71 mg/m^3, and the concentration of carbon dioxide was 0.13%. The contents of ammonia and carbon dioxide were both in the range of hygiene, which would play no adverse role in pig production performance. Under the conditions of this experiment, the feeding pattern could raise the temperature inside the pig housing, improve the environment significantly and resolve the problem of manure pollution effectively.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2013年第11期11-15,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家科技支撑计划子课题"东北地区新型工业化健康养猪模式"(2006BAD14B01)
关键词 发酵床猪舍 温热环境 有害气体 deep litter system warm environment harmful gases
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