
考虑速度与拥堵的多式联运路径优化研究 被引量:5

Study on multimodal transport path optimization considering speed and congestion
摘要 对多式联运路径优化进行了研究.对于多个城市节点,扩展并建立不规则棱柱模型网络,不仅考虑不同运输方式的成本与时间,还将不同运输方式对应的速度与拥堵纳入模型.基于Dijkstra最短路径算法,创建一个包含速度与拥堵因素多式联运路径优化模型仿真系统,通过模拟动态参数,分析了该组参数下的速度与拥堵对多式联运最优路径选择的影响,为区域运输规划提供了重要的参考价值. The multimodal transport path optimization is studied. For a number of cities, an irregular prism model network is expanded and established, not only considering the cost and time of different modes of transport, but also considering the speed as well as the congestion. Based on Dijkstra shortest path algorithm,a multimodal transport path optimization model simulation system which concludes speed and congestion factors is to be created, and the impact of speed and congestion on selecting the multimodal transport optimal path by simulating the dynamic parameters is also to he analyzed,providing im- portant reference value for the regional transportation planning.
出处 《交通科学与工程》 2013年第1期71-75,共5页 Journal of Transport Science and Engineering
基金 教育部人文社科研究项目(12YJC630224) 重庆市自然科学基金项目(CSTC2010BB4263) 重庆市科委软科学项目(cstc2012cx-rkxA90001)
关键词 棱柱模型 多式联运 速度 拥堵 最优路径 prism mode multimodal transport speed congestion optimal path
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