

Will-related Research: Unconscious Goal Pursuit
摘要 意志行为能在无意识条件下自动发起和执行,此种无意识意志行为被称为无意识目标追求。无意识目标追求具有类似于意识目标追求的某些特征和功能,但却有着相对独特的产生机制:其发生依赖于目标表征的可及性和目标状态的渴求性。无意识目标追求与意识目标追求可能产生相互作用:当两者兼容时,效果相互增强,呈叠加效应;两者冲突时,呈相减效应。 Unconscious goal pursuit, characteristically and functionally similar to conscious goal pursuit, refers to volitional behavior which is initiated and implemented in the absence of consciousness. It has its own mechanism for occurrence that depends on accessibility of goal representation and desirability of goal state. There may be an interplay between unconscious and conscious goal pursuit. Specifically, when compatible, they interact additively; otherwise, subtractive. The findings of unconscious goal pursuit provide a new perspective to better understand the volitional behavior.
出处 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2013年第3期1-6,共6页 Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition)
基金 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LQ12G01001) 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(12YJC190029)
关键词 意志 无意识目标追求 有意识目标追求 目标可及性 目标渴求性 volition unconscious goalpursuit eonscious goalpursuit accessibility desirability
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