

Changes of Belief and Behavior in Autonomous English Learning——A SALL-Center-based Empirical Study
摘要 基于一项语言自主学习中心的实证研究,探讨非英语专业大学生在自主学习过程中的观念和行为变化情况。研究表明,学习者培训和在自主学习中心的学习有助于增强学生的自主学习意识和能力,参与者对英语自主学习产生了积极的观念和行为变化,但因教师个性化指导不足、中心的硬软件支持力度不够、学生目标计划的模糊性或不切合实际、自我监控评估手段单一等原因,参与者没有有效运用元认知策略,其行为变化落后于观念变化。 Based an empirical study about the effect of self - access learning, this paper focuses on non - English majors' changes of beliefs and behavior in autonomous English learning. Findings indicate that learner training and autonomous learning at the SALL center helped to strengthen students' awareness and ability to study autonomously and participants underwent posi- tive changes of beliefs and behavior in autonomous English learning. However, their behavioral changes lagged behind their im- provement of learning beliefs due to the lack of individualized coaching and support of hardware and software at the center, the practice of setting vague or unrealistic goals and plans, and the one - sided method of monitoring and assessment.
出处 《鸡西大学学报(综合版)》 2013年第4期84-87,共4页 JOurnal of Jixi University:comprehensive Edition
基金 四川省高等教育人才培养质量和教学改革省级项目<非英语专业大学生自我效能培养与英语学习策略指导的实验研究>扩展成果(项目编号:05-253-18)
关键词 自主学习 观念与行为变化 自主学习中心 学习者培训 autonomous leaning changes of beliefs and behavior self - access center learner training
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