
基于身体锻炼自我效能提升的大学公共体育课程教学策略 被引量:5

Teaching Strategies for Enhancing Students' Exercise Self-Efficacy in University Common P.E. Program
摘要 基于当前大学生总体体质健康不容乐观的态势,提出了大学公共体育课程教学应注意提高学生锻炼坚持性的问题,以及提高锻炼自我效能可以有效促进学生锻炼坚持性的观点,并结合自我效能理论的原理对提升学生锻炼自我效能的教学策略进行探讨。 In view of the facts that university students' physical health keeps on declining in the past years, the idea to im- prove students' exercise adherence through enhancing their exercise self-efficacy was put forward. On the basis of self-effi- cacy theory,some strategies for enhancing students' exercise self-efficacy in university Common P. E program were of- fered as well.
作者 戴霞 刘皓
出处 《沈阳体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期92-95,共4页 Journal of Shenyang Sport University
关键词 大学生 体质健康 公共体育课程教学 锻炼自我效能 锻炼坚持性 university students physical health public P. E program exercise self-efficacy exercise adherence
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