

The Study about Impacts of Chinese Culture on Housing Purchasing Intention
摘要 本文开发设计面子意识、群体一致、生存危机和家庭责任作为社会文化的4个测量变量,采用结构方程模型分析它们对住房消费行为的影响。发现面子意识、群体一致、生存危机和家庭责任对住房购买意向存在正作用,并且发现生存危机对住房购买意向的直接影响最大,面子意识对住房购买意向的直接影响最小。发现消费者态度在社会文化对住房购买意向的影响中发挥了部分中介作用,其中家庭责任对住房购买意向的间接作用最大,而危机意识对住房购买意向的间接作用最小。 Chinese culture is made up of face consciousness and group consensus,survival crisis and family responsibility,which are used to analyze impacts on housing purchase intention by the way of structural equation model.It is found that they can produce positive effects on housing purchase intention,and the paper also finds that there are direct maximum effects on it from survival crisis,and face consciousness can only make minimal effects on it directly.The paper also finds that consumer attitude plays intermediary roles between Chinese culture and housing purchase intention,and indirect maximum impacts on it are made by family responsibility,and survival crisis can only produce minimal indirect effects on it.
作者 刘佳刚
机构地区 中南大学商学院
出处 《财务与金融》 2013年第2期75-80,共6页 Accounting and Finance
基金 国家社科基金(编号:12CGL005) 教育部人文社科基金(编号:12YJC630117)资助
关键词 社会文化 住房 购买意向 Social Culture Housing Purchasing Intention
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