
Pushover分析中侧向力分布模式对结果的影响 被引量:2

The Influences of Lateral Load Patterns on Result of Pushover Analysis
摘要 在框架结构的静力弹塑性分析中,侧向力分布模式对其结果有一定的影响.本文以三种不同高度的钢筋混凝土框架结构为研究对象,采用三种常见的侧向力加载模式进行静力弹塑性分析,对其基底剪力、位移和塑性铰分布进行了对比.结果表明:随着结构高度增加,结构的高阶振型对性能点位移影响加大,且倒三角分布模式下塑性铰开展要快于其它两种分布力模式. The lateral load patterns have some influences on the results of Pushover analysis for frame structures. In this paper, three lateral load patterns were applied to three reinforced concrete frame structures of different height. The results, including base shear, displacement and plastic hinges distribution, were com- pared. It is demonstrated that the influences of higher modes on the displacement increases with the structural height and plastic hinges develop more quickly under the inverted triangular distribution mode.
作者 席攀 沈之容
出处 《佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第2期214-217,共4页 Journal of Jiamusi University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 框架结构 侧向力 静力弹塑性 塑性铰 frame structures lateral load pushover plastic hinge
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