

The Chinese interpretation of "The Danish fairy tale"
摘要 提到丹麦,安徒生童话显然是一个无论如何也无法被绕过去的话题。然而今天的丹麦却向世界展示出一则新的童话——资料显示,世界自然基金会曾对清洁能源技术产值占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例进行统计,丹麦清洁能源技术产值为94亿美元,占GDP的3.1%,位居世界第一。近20多年来,丹麦的GDP增长累计超过78%,而能源消费与1980年基本持平,单位GDP能耗之低, Referred to Denmark, Andersen's fairy tales is obviously a in any case can not be bypassed. However, today's Denmark is to show the world a new fairy tale--data show, WWF had on clean energy technology output value of the gross domestic product (GDP) ratio statistics, Denmark clean energy technology value of $9400000000, accounting for 3.1% of GDP, ranking first in the world . Over the past 20 years, Denmark's GDP growth amounted to more than 78%, whileenergy consumption and basically the same as in 1980, the unit GDP energy consumption low, ranked second in the world. Earlier in 2010, the Danish government released the report says, to 2050, Denmark will be completely free of fossil energy, go on one and does not depend on oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy development road.In contrast, China's energy consumption has been the United States of America's consumption stimulate economic thinking in the high consumption, high energy under the influence of rapid promotion, is ranked second in the world, China's per capita energy consumption is one of the world's credentials value 45%, China has become the greenhouse gas emissions country following the United States after the......How to reverse this situation, in the implementation of energy-saving emission reduction targets, and promote China's urbanization development? Perhaps one solution of multinational manufacturing company from Denmark's largest Danfoss can bring a new perspective.
作者 陈嘉欢
出处 《上海经济》 2013年第5期28-29,6,共2页 Shanghai Economy
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