目的 探讨完全性左束支阻滞 (CLBBB)患者 2 4h动态心电图Q Tc延长及最快心率Q Tc较最慢心率Q Tc的延长部分 (Q Tcp)与室性心动过速 (VT)的关系。方法 分析 11例有VT的CLBBB患者和 14例无VT的CLBBB患者的动态心电图最快心率Q Tc ,最慢心率Q Tc及Q Tcp ,并与正常对照组作相互比较。结果 CLBBB患者的最快心率Q Tc、最慢心率Q Tc及Q Tcp均较正常对照组延长 (P <0 .0 0 1) ,而VT组最快心率Q Tc ,Q TCP比无VT组延长 ,两者差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 CLBBB患者动态心电图最快心率Q Tc及Q Tcp可作为预测高危室性心律失常的指标。
Objective To explore Q-Tc prolongation (Q-TcP) by 24h dynamic electrocardiogram(DEC) in patients with complete left bundle branch block(CLBBB), and the relationship between Q-TcP of the fastest heart rate Q-Tc compared with the slowest one and ventricular tachycardia (VT). Methods Analysed the fastest heart rate Q-Tc ,the slowest one and the Q-TcP in 11 CLBBB with VT and 14 CLBBB without VT by DEC, compared with control group. Results The fastest heart rate Q-Tc, the slowest heart rate Q-Tc and Q-TcP in CLBBB were all remarkably longer than control , and the fasteset heart rate Q-Tc, Q-TcP in CLBBB with VT were longer than without VT, there was significant difference. Conclusion The fastest heart rate Q-Tc and Q-TcP in CLBBB by DEC are prognostic indices for highly dangerous ventricular arrhythmia.
Dynamic electrocardiography Left bundle branch block Q-Tc Ventricular tachycardia