
全程健康教育在心力衰竭患者中的应用 被引量:4

Application of tracking health education in patients with heart failure
摘要 目的评价心力衰竭患者实施全程跟踪式健康教育的应用效果。方法将118例心力衰竭患者随机分为观察组与对照组。观察组60例,按照护理程序实施全程跟踪式健康教育;对照组58例,进行常规入院时与出院前健康教育。结果观察组知识掌握度、满意度、遵医嘱情况等均好于对照组,再入院率和死亡率低于对照组。结论对心力衰竭患者实施全程跟踪式健康宣教,能够纠正患者的不良生活习惯,减少心力衰竭患者的再次入院率,提高患者对护理服务满意度。 Objective To study the effects of tracking health education for patients with heart failure. Methods 118 patients with heart failure were randomly divided into observation group(n = 60)and control group(n =58). The observation group was given tracking health education, and the control group was given traditional health education when admission and discharge. Results The mastery degree of knowledge, satisfaction of nursing, behavior of following prescription in the observation group was better than that in the control group. The readmission and mortality rates in the observation group was lower than that in the control group. Conclusion Tracking health education can correct the bad habits of the patients with heart failure, reduce the re-hospitalization rate and improve care service satisfaction.
作者 刘丽
出处 《中国临床护理》 2013年第3期243-245,共3页 Chinese Clinical Nursing
关键词 心力衰竭 健康教育 Heart failure Health education
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