
团队自反视角下的企业情商管理研究 被引量:2

Research on CEQ Management from the Perspective of Team Reflexivity
摘要 本文分析了企业情商管理与团队自反性之间的关系,构建了团队自反视角下的企业情商管理方格,系统阐述了管理方格中各代表性区域的内涵,提出了通过促进团队自反性的不断演化来推动企业情商管理、加强企业情商管理和团队自反的有机结合、不断巩固和深化团队自反视角下的企业情商管理成果等对策,以提升企业情商管理水平。 This paper analyzes the relationship between CEQ management and team reflexivity, establishes the managerial grids for CEQ management from the perspective of team reflexivity, expounds the connotation of the representative regions in the managerial grids by the numbers, puts forward many countermeasures, such as to promote CEQ management by driving the evolution of team reflexivity, to strengthen the organism combination between CEQ management and team reflexivity, to consolidate and deepen the results of CEQ management from the perspective of team reflexivity constantly, in order to enhance the level of CEQ management.
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2013年第9期27-30,共4页 Human Resources Development of China
基金 国家社科基金项目(11BGL014) 上海市一流学科建设项目(S1205YLXK) 上海市研究生创新基金项目(JWCXSL1201) 上海理工大学人文社科基金项目(11XSZ05) 上海理工大学人文社科攀登计划(12XPA02)资助
关键词 企业情商管理 团队自反 管理方格 CEQ Management Team Reflexivity Managerial Grid
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