
Spearman视角下的中国物流业发展与房地产业发展关联性分析 被引量:1

A Spearman Perspective on Correlation between Logistics Industry and Real Estate Industry in China
摘要 在理论界存在着中国物流业与中国房地产业发展是否存在关联性的讨论,针对这一问题,以中国各省(市)物流业发展与房地产业发展作为实证对象展开研究。从省(市)的层次展开分析,通过将计量经济分析方法与spearman分析方法相结合,自主构建了理论分析框架。在此基础上,将调研所得数据代入自主分析框架,解决了上述二者之间是否存在关联性,以及具体的关联性表述这一系列问题。最终确定了各省(市)房地产业发展对物流业发展的具体贡献作用与效果。 In this paper, with the logistics industry and real estate industry of the provinces of China as the object, we combined the econometric method with Spearman analysis and independently established the theoretical analysis framework, on the basis of which, we fed data of the provinces (cities) collected through field survey into the analytic framework and solved the series of questions whether there existed correlation between the two industries on the provincial level as well as the specific expression of the correlation. At the end, we determined the specific contribution and effect of the real estate industry on the development of the logistics industry on the provinciallevel.
作者 高慧
机构地区 汉口学院
出处 《物流技术》 北大核心 2013年第4期147-149,共3页 Logistics Technology
关键词 spearman 物流业 房地产业 关联性 Spearman logistics industry real estate industry correlation
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