
肉桂不同部位中4种有效成分的含量及其分布研究 被引量:13

Study on Contents and Distribution of Four Active Components in Different Parts of Cinnamomum Cassia Presl
摘要 目的:研究肉桂不同部位及多种肉桂皮产品中桂皮醛、肉桂酸、香豆素、桂皮醇4种有效成分的含量及其分布规律。方法:以香豆素、桂皮醇、肉桂酸及桂皮醛为指标,采用单因素分析法对肉桂的超声提取工艺(超声溶剂、超声时间、粉碎粒度)进行优化;采用HPLC法进行含量测定,色谱柱为大连依利特Hypersil BDS C18柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),流动相0.1%磷酸水-乙腈(70∶30),流速1.0 mL.min-1,检测波长254 nm,柱温25℃,进样量10μL。结果:肉桂超声提取的最佳工艺为肉桂粉碎粒度100目,乙醇作提取溶剂,26℃超声提取30 min,可使肉桂中4种有效成分充分地被提取;桂丁中肉桂酸和香豆素的含量最高,桂皮醛含量较高,桂皮醇含量最低。桂花中桂皮醇含量最高,桂皮醛、肉桂酸及香豆素含量较高。桂枝中肉桂酸含量较高,国产桂碎中桂皮醛含量最高。结论:肉桂不同部位(肉桂皮、桂枝、肉桂花、桂丁)及同一产地不同肉桂皮产品中4种有效成分分布差异明显,可作为合理开发樟科植物肉桂药用资源以及建立桂丁、肉桂花及不同肉桂皮产品质量标准的依据。 This article was aimed to study contents and distribution characteristics of four active components in different parts of Cinnamomum cassia Presl and a variety of Cortex Cinnamomi products. The ultrasonic extraction process (solvent extraction, ultrasonic time and particle size) was optimized by single factor experiment with coumarin, cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamic acid and cinnamic aldehyde as reference. The HPLC analysis was performed on Dalian Elite Hypersil BDS Cls column (4.6 mm ×250 mm, 5 μm) using a mobile phase consisting of 0.1% phosphoric acid-acetonitrile (70:30) at 25℃ with the flow rate of 1.0 mL.min^-1. The injection volume was 10 μL and the detection wavelength was at 254 nm. The result showed that the fine powder (100 mesh) of Cinnamo- mum cassia Presl was added to ethanol (v/w 50) under 26℃ for 30 min to obtain the highest efficiency of four components in the extract. Fructus Cinnamomi contains the highest content of cinnamic acid and coumarin, more cinnamic aldehyde and least cinnamyl alcohol. Cinnamon-tree flower contains the highest content of cinnamyl al- cohol and higher content of coumarin, cinnamic acid and cinnamic aldehyde. Ramulus Cinnamomi contains higher content of cinnamic acid. Gui broken contains the highest content of einnamic aldehyde. It was concluded that it is remarkably different for the distribution of four active components in different parts of Cinnamomum cassia Presl and a variety of Cortex Cinnamomi products, which provides a basis for the establishment of quality standards for Fructus Cinnamomi, Cinnamon-tree flower and Cortex Cinnamomi products and rational development of Cinnamomum cassia Presl.
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 北大核心 2013年第2期254-259,共6页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81173564):基于"脑微透析-药动学/药效学"的交泰丸"配伍生新"配伍机理研究 负责人:廖琼峰 国家自然科学基金项目(81274028):基于整体观(代谢组学结合肠道微生态学)黄连解毒汤"减毒增效"配伍机制的研究 负责人:谢智勇 广东省教育部产学研结合项目(2011B090400140):无患子皂苷分离纯化 结构改性及其产业化应用研究 负责人:谢智勇
关键词 肉桂 HPLC 香豆素 桂皮醇 肉桂酸 桂皮醛 Cinnamomum cassia Presl, HPLC, coumarin, cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamic acid, cinnamic aldehyde
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