
静压气体轴承支撑的线性压缩机低频输出特性研究 被引量:3

Investigation on the output characteristics of gas bearing linear compressor at low frequency
摘要 气体轴承是线性压缩机的一种新型支撑方式,可消除活塞与气缸之间的磨损,提高压缩机的寿命。为了清晰了解气体轴承在低频下的特性,对气体轴承支撑的Redlich线性压缩机输出能力进行了模拟。气体轴承在低频下的稳定性以及压缩机的输出能力特性研究,可进一步拓展气体轴承在线性压缩机和斯特林制冷中的应用。 Gas bearing is a new supporting way of a linear compressor, which can eliminate the friction between the piston and cylinder and increase the life of linear compressors. In order to understand the characteristics at low frequecy, the simulation of the output capacity of a Redlich linear compressor was carried out. The research of the gas bearing stability and output capacity of a linear compressor can widen the application of gas bearing in linear compressors and Stirling cryocoolers.
出处 《低温与超导》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第5期1-4,共4页 Cryogenics and Superconductivity
关键词 气体轴承 线性压缩机 频率 斯特林制冷机 Gas bearing, Linear compressor, Frequency, Stifling cryocooler
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