
大连市儿童支气管哮喘患病率及规范化治疗情况的调查分析 被引量:5

Investigation and Analysis of Prevalence and Standardized Treatment of Dalian Children Asthma
摘要 目的:了解大连市0~14岁儿童支气管哮喘(以下简称"哮喘")患病率及其诊疗情况,指导临床采取规范化治疗措施以促进合理用药。方法:采取整群抽样调查方法,对2010年1月-2012年7月到该院就诊的儿童进行调查。调查内容主要包括:是否确诊为哮喘患儿、确诊后的哮喘患儿规范化治疗情况。结果:共调查0~14岁儿童12126例。诊断为哮喘者2182例,哮喘在儿童所患疾病中的患病率已上升为18.0%,成为儿童发病率上升较快的常见病。其中,3岁以上儿童哮喘1577例(72.3%),婴幼儿哮喘191例(8.7%),咳嗽变异性哮喘414例(19.0%);1617例(74.1%)患儿首次喘息发作在3岁以内;以呼吸道感染为诱因发病者1841例(84.4%);哮喘2年内再次发作者1864例(85.4%)。确诊为哮喘的患儿规范化应用吸入糖皮质激素治疗921例(42.2%),应用支气管扩张剂治疗喘息1877例(86.0%),联合规范化应用吸入糖皮质激素和支气管扩张剂治疗636例(29.1%);确诊为哮喘的患儿未规范化应用吸入糖皮质激素治疗625例(28.6%)。呼吸道感染、过敏、家族史、气候变化、常食海鲜是大连市儿童哮喘的危险因素。有1543例(70.7%)患儿因哮喘致家人工作受到不同程度影响。结论:大连市属儿童哮喘高发地区,且其实际的控制情况不容乐观,应大力推广哮喘的规范化治疗。 OBJECTIVE:To understand the prevalence and treatment diagnosis of bronchial asthma(called asthma for short) for children between 0-14 years old,and to provide guidance for standardized therapy and rational use of drugs in the clinic.METHODS:By chester sampling,the children of our hospital during Jan.2010-Jul.2012 were surveyed in respects of diagnosis and standardized treatment for asthma children.RESULTS:Of total 12 126 children aged 0-14 years old,2 182 children had been diagnosed as asthma.The prevalence of asthma for children had risen up to 18.0%.It had been regarded as one of common those disease with rapid increasing prevalence.1 577 children with asthma were more than 3 years old,accounting for 72.3%;191 were infant,accounting for 8.7%;there were 414 cases of cough variant asthma,accounting for 19.0%.1 617 children had their initial symptom before 3 years old,accounting for 74.1%.1 841 cases were induced by respiratory infection,accounting for 84.4%.1 864 children had been attacked by asthma within 2 years,accounting for 85.4%.921 children with asthma had inhaled glucocorticoid regularly(42.2%),while 1 877 had taken bronchodilator(86.0%).A total number of 636 children had been regularly taken both inhaled glucocorticoid and bronchodilator(29.1%).625 children diagnosed as asthma had not inhaled glucocorticoid(28.6%).In Dalian city,RTI(respiratory track infection),allergy,family history,climate changes and often having eat seafood were risk to child asthma.1 543(70.7%) children's family even suffered different influence.CONCLUSIONS:Dalian is a high incidence area of children asthma.However,control measures against children asthma are still inadequate practically.Standardized therapy shall be vigorously promoted.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2013年第20期1846-1849,共4页 China Pharmacy
关键词 支气管哮喘 儿童 患病率 规范化治疗 Bronchial asthma Children Prevalence Standardized therapy
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