高校后备干部的选拔 ,首先应把好入口关 ,坚持选拔标准 ,拓宽选拔渠道 ,掌握正确的选拔方法 ;其次 ,要科学配备 ,优化队伍结构 ,在年龄、知识、角色、性别诸方面综合考虑 ;第三 ,要实施全方位的立体式培养 ,加强岗位培训、外展训练和实践锻炼。
This article discusses the selection of reserve cadres of colleges and universities, to which overall consideration should be given. Firstly, reserve cadres should be selected on the basis of high demands, proper procedure and wide range. Secondly, factors such as age, sex, knowledge, ability, role, etc. should be taken into account so that we can have a scientific collocation of reserve cadres to optimize the make up. Thirdly, reserve cadres should be trained comprehensively, in such respects as post responsibility, external development, social intercourse, practice, etc.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Medical University