

Treatment of wastewater containing cupric tartrate trihydrate by heterogeneous Fenton oxidation-precipitation
摘要 针对工业废水中难以去除的络合态重金属,采用自制的负载型FeSO4/HS为催化剂,用Fenton-like氧化2,3-二羟基琥珀酸铜废水,并将游离出来的铜加碱沉淀除去。研究发现,当2<pH<3,H2O2为25 mmol/L时负载型FeSO4/HS催化的催化活性最高。当H2O2分3次等量投加时获得最高COD和铜去除率。催化剂的活性随降解次数的增加而缓慢下降,可以通过补加亚铁的方法消除,亚铁补加量在0.4 mg/L时效果最好,补加后催化剂的催化活性具有较好的持续性。 Wastewater containing 2, 3-dihydroxy succinic acid copper was pre-treated by Fenton-like oxi-dation using self-made supported FeSO4/HS as the catalyst, and the released free cupric ions were removed by alkali precipitation. The results showed that supported FeSO4/HS catalyst had the highest catalytic activity when the value of pH was in the range of 2 - 3 and H202 dosage was 25 mmol/L. The highest removal efficiency of COD and copper could be reached while the H2O2 dosage was added averagely for three times. The catalytic ac-tivity decreased gradually with the increase of degradation times, which could be eliminated by the addition of Ferrous ions. The catalyst showed the best sustainability of catalytic activity when the addition of Ferrous ions was at the dosage of 0.4 mg/L.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1849-1853,共5页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(S2011040003754) 广东工业大学博士启动基金(103018) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51078265)
关键词 多相Fenton催化氧化 废水处理 络合重金属 2 3-二羟基琥珀酸铜 heterogeneous Fenton catalysis wastewater treatment chelated heave metal cuprictartrate trihydrate
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