基于抽取的国外知名数据库的学术文献,分析探讨Social Tagging研究群体的学科特征和研究视角。结果表明当前Social Tagging的研究群体主要局限于信息科学与计算机科学,且未形成居于统治权威地位的研究团体和研究人员。自从Social Tagging产生以来,"Social Tagging的组成功能"的研究一直是Social Tagging的基础性研究维度,不过随着应用深入发展,研究维度逐步转而融合信息检索和人机交互这两个相关领域知识分析"Tagger的行为及Social Tagging的界面设计"和"Social Tagging自身的组织和使用"这两个主要研究维度。
We explore the disciplinary distribution and research perspectives of research groups in Social Tagging based on academic docu- ments from famous databases in foreign countries. The result shows that research groups in Social Tagging are limited to a few subject do- mains like Information Science and Computer Science without any dominant research groups now. The fu/ldamental perspective of Social Tagging is "the elements and functions of Social Tagging" since this research field begins, but more and more researchers turn to the other two perspective "Tagger's behaviors and interface design for them" and "the organization and usage in Social Tagging" integrated with Human Computer Interface and Information Retrieval.
Journal of Intelligence
国家自然科学基金青年项目"多语言环境下Social Tagging的内涵机理与应用框架研究--基于比较视角"(编号:71103203)
中南大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助"多语言环境下Social Tagging应用模式研究"(编号:2011QNZT237)