

System and Value Orientation of Computer-mediated Communication: Scientific Measurement Analysis Based on the SSCI Database(1983-2012)
摘要 网络传播(CMC)已逐渐成为广泛使用的新型传播方式,并为理论界重点关注。通过检索SSCI数据库(1983-2012)30年间有关CMC研究的所有文献,从中选择被引频次最高的50篇文献构建引文数据库及其同被引矩阵,并联合运用多维尺度分析和社会网络分析法进行科学计量分析。结果表明,目前CMC理论研究包括网民行为规范研究、网络技术支持研究、网络结构与媒体规范研究和CMC网络服务研究4大领域,其中,前两者为目前CMC核心与热点研究领域,而后两者将成为CMC理论研究未来关注的重点领域。 Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) has gradually become a widely used new means of communication and a highly concerned focus of theoretical circles. Based on all the related articles in the SSCI database ( 1983-2012 ), choosing the top 50 cited arti- cles, a special citation database and its co-citation matrix are established. Then, the multidimensional scaling and social network analysis are combined for scientific statistics analysis. The results show that CMC theory involves the researches on code of conduct for interact us- ers, network technology support, the network structure and media norms, and the CMC network services. Of the four major areas, the first two are core research areas for CMC currently, while the latter two will be the focus areas for future concern.
作者 张敏 杨翠
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期179-184,共6页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金规划项目"网络口碑对消费者品牌选择影响的实证研究"(编号:11YJA630194) 南京财经大学重点预研究项目"网络口碑 企业网络舆情干预与消费者品牌选择"(编号:A2011002) 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程资助项目
关键词 网络传播 网络结构 科学计量 同被引分析 社会网络分析 Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC ) network structure scientific measurement analysis co-citation analysis social network analysis
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