
是“天降jiànɡ单于”,还是“天降xiánɡ单于”——天神观与汉匈政治关系的一个审视点 被引量:2

It's"Tian Jiang Chanyu" or "Tian Xiang Chanyu"——A Scan Point between Almighty View and Han and Xiongnu's Political Relation
摘要 "单于天降"瓦当中的"降"是个多音字,对"降"的读音和释义目前有两种不同意见:一、读jiànɡ,诞生;降生。二、读xiánɡ,降服,使驯服。经笔者考证,在汉代以前上百种古籍数千万字中近百个"天降"连用的语句里,"降"只读作"jiànɡ"。"天降"中"天"的含义主要有两类:一、天是万物的主宰。国家的兴衰存亡,灾害、战争、疾病,以及人之外在的祸福﹐都是"天"对人的赏罚。二、指自然之天,不到全部用例的十分之一。"单于天降jiànɡ",是匈奴天神信仰的表达。汉王朝认可这一信仰,是出于羁靡政策需要的尊重。而"单于天降xiánɡ",不符合汉朝对匈奴的怀柔政策。匈奴单于反抗王莽蔑称其为"降奴服于"的事实,有力地证明匈奴不会接受"单于天降xiánɡ"的读音和含义。"天降jiànɡ"的音义在汉代以前的多种语境中表现出了令人难以置信的一致性、连续性和确定性,反映了人们天神信仰观念的延续和继承,也表现了古人在长期与天交往过程中形成的相对稳定的天人关系的认知模式。以此理解"天降单于"中"降"的音义和汉、匈天神观念,当去古人之旨不远矣。 The word "jiang" in the eaves tile"Chanyu tian jiang"is a polyphone, and there are two different ideas about the pronunciation and paraphrase of the word "jiang": one pronunciation is "jiang", means "be born" ; the other pronunciation is "xiang", means "entame". According to the author's textual research, before Han Dynasty, among the nearly 100 sentences using "tiang jiang" in the hundreds of ancient books including hundreds of millions of words , "jiang"only pronounces "jiang". The meaning of the word "tian" in"tian jiang" mainly includes two kinds: one is that "tian" is lord of all creation. A state~ rising and falling, disasters,wars,illness as well as man's weal and woe are all the punishments from "tian". The other is natural heaven, it only covers less than one -tenth of all the cases. "Chanyu tian jiang" is Xiongnu' s expression of Almighty belief. Han dynasty accepted such belief out of the respect to the need of"Jimi policy". While "Chanyu tian xiang" didn't accord with the policy of mollification with which Han dynasty treated Xiongnu. The fact that Xiongnu was against the title "xiang nu fu yu" awarded by Wang Mang powerfully proved that Xiongnu wouldn't accept the pronunciation and mean- ing of "Chanyu tian xiang". The meaning of "tian jiang" showed incredible consistency,continuity ,definiteness in various contexts before Han dynasty. This not only reflected people continued and carried on the Almighty beliefs, but also showed ancient people' s relatively Stable cognitive pattern which formed in the long - term relations between man and nature. It' s not far to the ancients by such understanding as the pronunciation and meaning of the word "jiang" in "tian jiang Chanyu" and Han and Xiongnu' s Almighty concept.
作者 王文涛
出处 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期56-62,共7页 Hebei Academic Journal
关键词 天降单于 天神信仰 瓦当 汉朝 匈奴 民族关系 tian jiang Chanyu Almighty. belief eaves tile Han dynasty Xiongnu ethnic relations
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