
盾构隧道穿越高楼桩基加固方案对比研究 被引量:1

Comparison Study on Reinforcement Schemes of Shield Tunnel Crossing through the Existing Pile Foundations of Building
摘要 由于既有城市空间布局的局限性,地铁隧道不可避免的需穿越道路、桥梁、建筑物等。尤其是当下穿桩基础时,需对原有建构筑物进行截桩处理,这样必然会对建构筑物的基础稳定性和完整性产生影响。现以上海市某地铁区间隧道穿越大楼桩基为例,通过数值模拟技术分析大楼桩基正常使用阶段的受力状况,对盾构穿越施工拔桩以及采用不同加固方案情况下桩基受力转换进行分析计算,以确定合理有效的加固方案。 Due to the limitation of the existing spatial distribution of cities, it is inevitable to utilize the shield tunnels to cross through roads, bridges, and buildings. Especially, when a shielded tunnel passing through the pile foundations, some piles underneath the existing building might be removed, this might adversely impact the stability and integrity of the building foundations. A case study of a shield tunnel crossing the pile foundation of a high-raised building in Shanghai is presented in this paper. The service loading state of the piles is analyzed through the numerical investigations. The load transfer mechanism of directly removing piles as well as different pile reinforcement schemes are also studied in this paper.
作者 李志宏
出处 《土工基础》 2013年第2期63-66,74,共5页 Soil Engineering and Foundation
关键词 盾构 穿越 桩基 截桩 加固 对比 Shielded Tunnels Under Crossing Piled Foundations Pile Cuttings Reinforcement Result Comparisons
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