为了解夏季黄河口海域鱼类群落结构现状,根据2010年6月、7月底拖网调查数据对该海域鱼类群落的种类组成、优势种、空间分布、物种多样性和群落相似性进行了研究。结果表明,两次调查共捕获鱼类32种,全部为硬骨鱼类,隶属于7目、21科、32属。6月优势种为矛尾虾虎鱼Chaeturichthys stigmatias、短吻红舌鳎Cynoglossus joyneri和斑尾刺虾虎鱼Acanthogobius ommaturus,7月为矛尾虾虎鱼、斑鱼祭Konosirus punctatus、短吻红舌鳎和斑尾刺虾虎鱼。7月调查鱼类生物量和丰度均较6月大幅增加,分别由3.6kg/h和459ind./h增加到44.1kg/h和6107ind./h,生物量在每个站位均有所增加,且在整个调查海域分布较为均匀。两次调查鱼类群落的生物量优势度曲线、丰度优势度曲线均接近。7月鱼类群落的丰富度指数(D)、多样性指数(H′)和均匀度指数(J′)均较6月有所下降。聚类分析和NMDS排序结果表明,6月调查站位和7月调查站位各自聚为一组。两次调查鱼类群落相似性较高,Jaccard种类相似性系数为56.3%,根据生物量计算的Bray-Curtis相似性系数为43.1%。与历史数据相比,黄河口鱼类种类数呈下降趋势,优势种类也发生了明显改变,生物量在各月间的分布也有所不同,本次调查7月黄河口海域鱼类资源密度明显高于6月,而20世纪80年代调查数据则恰相反,6月鱼类资源密度高于7月。
Based on the data collected by trawl Huanghe estuary and its adjacent area, fish community surveys in June and July of 2010 in patterns such as species compositions, dominant species, spatial distribution, diversity and similarity were studied. In the investigated area, 37°30′-38°00′N, 119°09′-119°30′E, eight sampling stations were set up. A total num-ber of 32 species were collected in the present study, and all of them were Osteichthyes species, belonging to 32 genera, 21 families and 7 orders. There are 4 groups according to their habitat type, in which 7 species were continental shelf pelagic-neritic fish, 18 species were continental shelf benthopelagic fish, 7 species were continental shelf demersal fish, and 1 was continental shelf reef-associated fish. According to their optimum living temperature, fish species were di- vided into 3 fish groups, including 9 warm water species, 16 warm temperate species and 7 cold temperate species. There were seven fish groups according to the analysis of feeding habit: 6 species were planktivores, 4 species were planktivores/benthivores, 7 species were benthivores, 5 species were benthivores/piscivores, 1 species was piscivores, 7 species were omnivores and 2 species were detritivores. The index of relative importance (IRI) was calculated to determine the importance of the species. Species were defined as dominant species when IRI value was lar- ger than 1000. There dominant species were Chaeturichthys stigmatias, CynogZossus joyneri and Acanthogobius ommaturus in June and C. stigmatias, Konosirus punctatus , C. joyneri and A. ornmaturus in July. The biomass and abundance of fish increased greatly in survey before WSDR were grouped than those in survey after WSDR. The Margalef richness index (D), Shannon's diversity index (Hr) and Pielou's evenness index (jr) of fish community in the survey before WSDR were all higher than those in survey after WSDR. But no significant differences were found in the diversity between the two surveys. Cluster analysis and non-metric multidi- mensional scaling were used for analyzing fish community structure. The results showed that community structure was obviously different between the two surveys. The 8 stations surveyed before WSDR can be grouped into one group, and the 8 stations surveyed after WSDR were grouped into another group. The dissimilarity was caused mostly by the biomass composition and its spatial distribution of C. stigmatias, K. punctatus, A. ommaturus, Scomberomorus niphonius, PZatycephaZus indicus and C. joyneri. The similarity of the community in the two surveys was low. The Jaccard's species similarity coefficient was 56.3%, and the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient was 43.1%. In conclusion, compared with the survey data of 1980s, the numbers of fish species in the Huanghe estuary and adjacent area showed a downward trend, and the biomass distribution of fish in scale of time and dominant species composition changed significantly.
Progress in Fishery Sciences
Species compositions
Dominant species
Spatial distribution
k-dominance curve
Community structure