使用面源模拟刻度体源不同高度处薄层的探测效率,随高度积分获得了Ф75 mm×25 mm241Am体源及气态241Am源的探测效率,模拟刻度结果和LabSOCS计算值的偏差在±7%以内。同理,使用LabSOCS无源效率刻度技术进行面源分层刻度计算,并随高度积分获得Ф75 mm×25 mm尺寸133Xe气体源和137Cs液体源探测效率,模拟刻度结果和LabSOCS计算值的偏差在±1%以内。实验和理论计算证明面源模拟刻度技术是有效可行的。相对体源刻度技术,面源刻度可以省去样品源制作及运输,大大提高工作效率。
Standard surface source was used to simulate the layer of different height in the standard source. The detection efficiency of (75 mm ×25mm^241Am standard source and its gaseous source can be obtained by integration, the simulation calibration results are consistent with the calculation efficiency value of LabSOCS in 7%. The disk source experiments are also completed by LabSOCS efficiency calculation software,The detection efficiency of (75 mm × 25 mm^137Xe gaseous source and ^137Cs liquid source, the simulation calibration results are consistent with the calculated efficiency value by LabSOCS within 1%. Therefore, the simulation calibration technology of disk source is identified to be correct and effective. Comparing with the calibration technology of standard source, less sources are required and the time spent can be much reduced, which will improve the work efficiency.
Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology