The variation trend of the wheel tread wear, the wheel/rail equivalent conicity and vehicle vibration performance have been researched with a long term tracking and measuring of the Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger-Dedicated I.ines EMU's wheel tread and vehicle vibration. By use of wheel/rail equivalent conicity as the assessment parameters of wheel tread wear, how the vehicle vibration are influenced by the wheel tread wear was discussed. Finally, the effects of speed adjust to the wheel tread wear and vehicle vibration were analyzed by comparing the difference of the wheel tread wear and vehicle vibration, and the effect for wheel tread wear and vehicle vi bration because of the decline of speed have been studied. Results showed that wheel tread wear increases with the increase of running mileage, and after 150,000 km, wheel tread wear rate gradually increased; the two different wheel profiles in Wuhan-Guangzhou Pas senger Dedicated Lines basically have the same wear area, but the maximum wear position is different; the wheel/rail equivalent conicity can not only estimate the wheel tread wear level, but also affect the frequency and amplitude of the bogie sway; With the other conditions remain unchanged, the change of speed can influence the wheel tread wear and vibration significantly.
Railway Locomotive & Car
wheel tread wear
vehicle vibration
wheel/rail equivalent conicity