依据 1998年在半干旱黄土丘陵区安塞、吴旗的调查资料 ,对沙棘年生长及单株地上部生物量进行了分析。结果表明 :(1)时间的三次系项式与生长的关系能较好地反映生长期内生长与时间的关系 ;(2 )沙棘单株地上部各器官生物量占地上部生物量的分配比率顺序为 :枝 >茎 >叶 >枯枝 ;且枝、叶、枯枝生物量与树龄间有十分显著的相关关系 ,茎与树龄间有显著的相关关系 ;(3)可用树高、地径、树龄结合模型或地径、冠幅、多年生枝长结合模型估测沙棘单株地上部各器官生物量 ;并可依据沙棘单株地上部叶量与地上部生物量间的回归模型进一步分析沙棘林地养分的循环。这对分析沙棘生长规律、合理开发。
According to the measured data at Ansai in 1998,growth of seabuckthorn and dynamic of biomass of above ground part of individual seabuckthorn were analyzed.The results show:(1) Relation of growth to time in the growth period could be well expressed by relation of cube formula of time to growth; (2)Order of ration of allocation of various organ biomass of above ground parts of individual seabuckthorn was branch>stem>leaf>deadwood,significant relationships were found between biomass of branch,leaf,deadwood,stem and tree ages;(3)Various organ biomass of above ground part of individual seabuckthorn might be estimated by combine models of height,diameter of the butt end and tree ages or combine of diameter of the butt end,corown and length of vivacious brand.And nutrient cycling of seabuckthorn stands may be analyzed further by regression model between leaf weight of above ground part of individual seabuckthorn and biomass of above ground part.These have important significance to analysis growthlaw of seabuckthorn and reasonable exploitation and multi target management of seabuckthorn stands.
Shaanxi Forest Science and Technology
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