To the editor: Interdigitating dendrtic cell sarcoma (IDCS) is an exceedingly rare tumor which belongs to dendritic celllymphoma according to the WHO classification in 2008, the tumor cells originated from the antigen presentating cell for activation of T cells.1 Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) is another rare fatal bullous disease usually comprising with hematologic malignancies. Here we presented a very rare case of IDCS complicated with PNP.
To the editor: Interdigitating dendrtic cell sarcoma (IDCS) is an exceedingly rare tumor which belongs to dendritic celllymphoma according to the WHO classification in 2008, the tumor cells originated from the antigen presentating cell for activation of T cells.1 Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) is another rare fatal bullous disease usually comprising with hematologic malignancies. Here we presented a very rare case of IDCS complicated with PNP.