

The British species of Otidea:overview and the large-spored species
摘要 对侧盘菌属在英国的研究概况进行了评述,研究侧重于Otidea apophysata和O.platyspora两个具有大型子囊孢子的种。同时,对4个错误地用于大型孢子种的名称进行了订正:O. abietina(Pseudotis属的模式种)是含糊名称(nomen ambiguum);O.cochleata也为含糊名称;O. felina是O.alutacea的同物异名,并为后者指定了选模式;将O.umbrina处理为O.bufonia的同物异名。此外,确定了Otidea violacea的分类地位。 As a part of a review of the genus Otidea in Britain, an overview of the genus is provided, and an account given of two species, O. apophysata and O. platyspora which have larger spores than other British members of the genus. The latter species is here formally reported from Britain for the first time. In addition, four epithets misapplied to large-spored species are discussed. These are O. abietina, the type of Pseudotis, here considered a nomen ambiguum, O. cochleata also shown to be a nomen ambiguum, O. felina, confirmed as a synonym of O. alutacea, for which a lectotype is designated, and 0 umbrina, confirmed as a synonym of O. bufonia. Additionally, the identity of Otidea violacea is established.
机构地区 Mycology Section
出处 《菌物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期347-365,共19页 Mycosystema
关键词 Otidea apophysata O. platyspora Peziza alutacea 耳侧盘菌 选模式 同物异名 Otidea apophysata, O. platyspora, Peziza alutacea, P. cochleata, lectotypification, synonymy
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