选用 35± 2日龄断奶仔猪 4 2头 ,分别按品种、性别、体重分为对照组和试验组 ,试验组添加 10 0 0 0 0IU酸性蛋白酶 /kg日粮和 1%甲酸钙 ,饲养试验和消化试验共 52d。结果表明 :1)酸性蛋白酶和甲酸钙提高断奶仔猪日增重 2 3.0 % (P <0 .0 1)、采食量 17.2 % (P <0 .0 1) ,降低料重比 5 0 %(P <0 .0 5)。 2 )酸性蛋白酶和甲酸钙降低断奶仔猪腹泻频率 88.8% (P <0 .0 1)。 3)酸性蛋白酶和甲酸钙提高断奶仔猪干物质表观消化率、粗蛋白表观消化率、钙表观消化率和磷表观消化率分别为 2 2 .5% ,2 4 .5% ,2 1.1% (绝对值 ) ,2 7.9% (绝对值 )。 4 )酸性蛋白酶和甲酸钙提高仔猪血清TP13 9% (P >0 0 5) ,Ca 4 .1% (P >0 .0 5) ,Mg 1.8% (P >0 .0 5) ,CHL 3.1% (P >0 .0 5) ,GPT 10 .5%(P >0 .0 5) ,GOT 2 .2 % (P >0 .0 5) ,ALP 0 .8% (P >0 .0 5) ,降低仔猪血清SUN 4 .1% (P >0 .0 5)。
We conducted a 52 d experiment involving 42 pigs weaned at age of 35 d to assess the effect of acid protease and calcium formate in diets on growth performance.The basal diet was a corn soybean diet with 15 mg/kg colistin sulphate,100 mg/kg acid protease and 1% calcium formate.The test pigs fed the diet added 100 000 IU/kg of acid protease and 1% calcium formate improved ADG,DFI,digestibility of DM,digestibility of CP,digestibility of Ca and digestibility of P by 23.0%( P <0.01),17.2( P <0.05),22.5%,24.5%,21 1%,27.9% respectively.The pigs fed 100 000 IU/kg acid protease and 1% level of calcium formate reduced feed to gain ratio and diarrhea frequency by 5.0% ( P <0.05) and 88.8%( P <0.01). The pig fed 100 000 IU/kg level of acid protease and 1% of calcium formate enhanced the concentrations of serum TP 13 9% ( P >0.05),Ca 4.1% ( P >0.05),Mg 1.8%( P >0.05),CHL 3.1% ( P >0.05) and the activities of serum GPT 10.5%( P >0.05),GOT 2.2%( P >0.05),ALP 0.8%( P >0.05),but decreased the concentration of serum SUN 47.1% ( P >0.05).
Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
weanling pigs
acid protease
calcium formate
diarrhea frequency
apparent digestibility
serum composition