一般而言 ,舆论导向主要偏重于正面报道 ,舆论监督则是与正面报道相伴而行的对负面舆论的制约。研究新闻舆论导向和舆论监督的特征及实施条件 ,有助于推动新闻改革 ,更好地发挥新闻舆论在社会主义市场经济体制中的构建作用 ,形成有利于国家安定团结、有利于建设社会主义现代化强国的政治舆论环境。
Study of the direction for mass media and characteristics of mass media supervision and its implementing condition is helpful to promote the reform of mass media and bring to its full play its function in the economic structure of socialist market. It is also helpful to create a political mass media atmosphere for the stability and unity of the nation and the construction of a strong socialist country.
Journal of Yuzhou University(Social Sciences Edition)