石油化工企业为"耗能"大户,准确地算出企业能耗是一切节能工作的基础。分析了石化企业能耗的组成,提出了两种不同的电和蒸汽的能源折算方法,结论是:GB 50441—2007给出的计算方法更适用于石化企业内仅配置有外供蒸汽锅炉房或汽轮发电机组配置简单的小型动力站;对于配置有大型自备热电站的大型企业则应以整个热电站为体系,将总热耗量合理地分摊到热、电两种产品中去,计算出发电热效率、发(供)电标煤耗、供热热效率和供热表煤耗等,从而计算出蒸汽和电的实际(或设计)能源折算值。
As a large amount of energy is consumed in petrochemical plants, the whole process for energy conservation is based on the accurate calculation of energy consumption. Varieties of energy sources consumed by petrochemical plants are analyzed and two methods are provided for calculation of the equivalent coefficient of primary energy consumption of electricity and steam. Both of the conclusions show that, the calculation method given by GB 50441--2007 is mostly appropriate in the petrochemical plant for the Boiler House which only exports steam, or for small Power Station simply equipped with steam turbine-generators; For a large self- equipped Thermal Power Station which can he considered as a whole power supply system, the total heat ener- gy cost should be apportioned into two products of heat and electricity so as to calculate thermal efficiency and standard coal consumption of heat ( or electricity) supply. Afterwards actual ( or estimated) equivalent coeffi- cient of primary energy consumption of steam and electricity can be worked out.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering
energy consumption, equivalent coefficient of primary energy consumption, standard coalconsumption of heat supply, standard coal consumption of electricity supply