
华莱士和达尔文不同的“自然选择”之路 被引量:3

Wallace and Darwin's different roads of“natural selection”
摘要 华莱士和达尔文分享了共同发现"自然选择"理论的殊荣,虽然对性别选择、种间不育和人类起源问题上存在着分歧,但二人在世时并没有意识到他们的"自然选择"理论本身也存在着侧重的不同,后来的研究者们关注到了二人在"自然选择"理论中的微妙差异。对比华莱士和达尔文存在不同的出身经历和社会关系,以及不同的博物学动机和理论兴趣,能更好地理解两人在博物学实践中产生不同的习惯与方法。而二人在博物学实践中不同的习惯与方法,又能让我们更好地理解华莱士在标本采集中对种与属层面的关注,以及达尔文相关工作中对个体细节的关注。对比两人不同的博物学实践工作之后,展现出来的是两条完全独立的"自然选择"之路。 Alfred Russel Wallace and Chares Robert Darwin shared the honor of proposing the theory of "natural selection" . Though they had differences in sexual selection, reproductive isolation and the origin of man, they were not awarded of their different emphasis in "natural selection" When they were alive. Researchers in recent years have noticed their different emphasis in "natural selection" . Compared the differences of their experiences, social connections, natural history motivations and theoretical interests, it can be better explained their different Habits and methods of natural history. These differences in practices of natural history can be better shown Wallace emphasized species and genera, in contrast, Darwin emphasized individual organisms. Compared their different practices of natural history, this paper shows two independent "natural selection' roads of Wallace and Darwin's
作者 郑笑冉
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《科学文化评论》 2013年第2期5-17,共13页 Science & Culture Review
基金 2012年度科普研究能力提升类项目(2012KDYJD01-13)
关键词 华莱士 达尔文 自然选择 博物学实践 Wallace, Darwin, natural Selection, practice of natural history
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