我们正处在一个承前启后的重要历史时期 ,面对新世纪的挑战 ,需要一大批合格的跨世纪领导干部。怎样把自己培养成一个合格的跨世纪领导者 ,最根本的办法就是要强化自我修养意识。针对当前特点 ,尤其要把“学习、勤奋、修身”作为领导干部自我修养的基本内容。
We are in an important historical period which serves as a link between past and futue.Faced with the new century's challenges,large amounts of qualified cadres are demanded.The furdamental way to make oneself a qualified cross-century leader is to reinforce accomp lishmenxin secf-caltivation.In accordance with speclial characlteristics at present,“Study,dilligence and Self-cultivation”should be treated as the basic content of self-possession,especially by teading cadres.