经济增长理论历来为经济学家所重视。西方经济理论中 ,新古典学派和新经济增长理论对经济增长的因素作了内生和外生的区分 ,这种分析方法虽有可取之处 ,但与马克思的分析相比却过于简单。马克思把影响经济增长的因素都看成内生变量 ,并对各变量的关系也加以说明。本文拟就这一问题作一简单解释。
Economists always pay attention to economic growthing theory.In Western-Economics theories,New Classsic School of Thought and New Economic Growthing Theory had devided the factors those promoted economic growth into Endogenous variables and Exogenous variables. Though somewhat reasonable,It was over simply contrasting to Marx s in-depenth analysis.Marx regarded the factors those influence economic growthing as endogenous variables,and also illustrated the relationship between every variable.This article have briefly explained this problem.