
国外职业体育消费动机的研究述评 被引量:1

Review on the Foreign Research of Motivation of Professional Sports Consumption
摘要 通过对国外职业体育消费动机相关文献的梳理可知,不同的研究者主要采纳探索性因子和验证性因子分析方法,采用不同样本群构建了不同维度的职业体育消费动机测量量表。这些经历了初级开发、中期完善再到后期应用的量表对职业体育消费行为具有一定的解释力。这为尚处于研究初期的我国职业体育消费动机研究提供了值得借鉴的路径和思路。 Through summarizing the foreign research of motivation of professional sports consumption , it is knowed that different researchers have mostly adopted the method of exploratory factor and confirmatory factor analysis, and they use different sample groups to build motivation scales of professional sports consumption that have different lati tudes. These scales that experiences the primary development, perfecting middle to late application have the ability to explain the professional sports consumption behaviour. It provides the path of worth learning and thinking for the motivation study of professional sports consumption of China.
作者 汪旭仲 郑芳
出处 《浙江体育科学》 2013年第3期8-10,共3页 Zhejiang Sport Science
关键词 职业体育 消费动机 测量量表 研究述评 professional sports consumer motivation measurement scale research review
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