Papilliferous projections on vestibular mucous membrane in infantsand embryos were recommended. 22 embryonal corpses and 4 newborninfant corpses as well as 287 newborn infants were examined. Speci-mens taken from corpses were examined with stereo-microscopy andscanning electron microscopy to observe their surface structure, andwith light microscopy to observe histological structure. Infants withpapilliferous projections were followed up in order to find what thepapilliferous projections would change into normal. The resultsare as follows: Among 22 embryo corpses there were 3 cases withthe papilliferous projections 120 cases among 287 newborn infants(142 males; 145 females), (41.8%). There was no obvious sexdifference. The numbers of the papilliferous projections in the lowerlip were more than those in the upper lip. The numbers in the leftside were equal to those in the right side of the lip. The results alsoshowed that this constraction appeared in 3~4 months embryos,gradually and disappeared in 10 days or so after birth. The results oflight microscopy examination: the surface of the papilliferous proje-ctions were covered with stratified squamous epithelium capillaryblood vessels and dense connective tissue extended into the projectionand consist the axis, so the structure of the papilliferous projectionsappeared similar to the filiform papillae on the dorsum of the tongue.Until now have not find any report about this article. The biologicalsignificane still remains a question to be resovlved.
newborn infant
vestibule of the mouth
papilliferous projection