目的分析2种品牌B-D测试结果不合格的图样表现形式及原因并总结归类,为灭菌炉及相关设施的维修和保养找到迅速而准确有效的方法,降低设备故障对灭菌工作顺利进行的影响。方法实验分两组进行,3 M组采用3 M一次性B-D测试包,逢单日在所有4台灭菌器做B-D测试;OTTO组采用OTTO一次性B-D测试包,逢双日在所有4台灭菌器做B-D测试;当其中任意一组测试失败时,同日立即使用另一组测试包进行双重对比,检查B-D测试失败原因并维修。两组实验各进行380次,观察并对比两组不合格测试结果的次数和B-D测试纸的变色图样。结果3 M组有30次测试失败,其中13次图样变色不完全,中心有大小范围及深浅不一的黄色,总结原因为灭菌炉内腔有空气残留,另有17次B-D测试纸变色为外周黑,中间大小范围不同灰白,原因为蒸汽质量不饱和;OTTO组有15次B-D测试失败,图样中心均为大范围深浅不同程度泛黄。结论3 M一次性B-D测试包对灭菌炉及相关设施故障的探测更为敏感,即3 M B-D测试包能检测到灭菌设备故障时OTTO B-D测试包并不一定能检测到。可根据3 M B-D测试包中的测试纸变色后不同的颜色表现种类判断是空气残留问题还是蒸汽质量问题,从而能够快速准确地找到故障所在,及时维修,减少对日常灭菌工作的耽搁。
Objective To classify and analyze B-D test packs' color change patterns of failed B-D test, to provide rapid and effective methods for solving facility problems so as to avoid the delay of normal sterilization work. Methods In the study, B-D tests were done in group A and B respectively. With 3 M disposable B-D test pack, in Group A, B-D test was performed every odd day while B-D tests were done in Group B with OTFO disposable B-D test pack every even day. B-D tests were repeated at the same day in another Group for double check if one group test failed. Totally 760 B-D tests were completed. Results There were 30 failed B-D tests in group A, among which, 13 tests were with yellow color in B-D paper in the circle due to residual air and 17 tests with gray and white color because of steam quality. In group B, 15 tests failed with yellow circle in the B-D paper center caused by residual air or steam quality. Conclusion 3 M B-D test pack is more sensitive in detecting relative facility's problems, which can also help to judge the failure of test whether due to residual air or steam quality by different color change patters, and in turn reduce the delay of normal sterilization work.
Journal of Nursing(China)
B-D test pack
color change analysis