

The Expansion and Resolution of Desires and Needs——Hegel's Solution to Rousseau's Problems of Civil Society
摘要 市民社会理论在黑格尔的法哲学中占有重要地位。黑格尔在《法哲学原理》中,从经济和经济关系的视角,把市民社会描写成个人利益的战场,实际上正是继承了卢梭对市民社会批判的思想。卢梭,作为马克思之前最伟大的市民社会批判家,对市民社会中人们为了获取他人的承认,不断产生和追求无穷无尽的欲望和需要的现象给予了深刻的思考和猛烈的抨击,认为正因为个体"活在他人眼中",从而导致个体与自身相分离,个体与公共机构相分离。对于卢梭提出的市民社会问题,黑格尔在继承卢梭构建共同体的基础上,主张在进行行业等级划分的基础上建立同业公会,以解决个体之间的相互承认问题,并加强个体与公共机构之间的联系。 The theory of civil society plays an important role in Hegel's legal philosophy. From the per- spective of the economy and economic relations, Hegel described the civil society as a battlefield of personal interests in Philosophy of Right, which was in fact inherited from Rousseau on the thought of critique of civil society. Rousseau, who is usually seen as the greatest critic of the civil society before Marx, thought about deeply and criticized harshly the phenomenon of the civil society that people engendered and pursued continu- ously endless desires and needs in order to get recognized. He thought that it was because individuals' "life in others" which caused the separation from their selves and public institutions. For the problems of civil society put forward by Rousseau, Hegel, who inherited Rousseau on the basis of building community, contended that Associations should be established on the basis of industry classification to solve the problems of mutual recog- nition between individuals, and to strengthen the links between the individuals and public institutions.
作者 刘胜梅
出处 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期47-52,共6页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 欲望 需要 市民社会 desires needs civil society
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