
资历架构对中国终身学习“立交桥”建设的启示——2013年香港资历架构国际会议综述 被引量:13

Enlightenment from Qualifications Framework to China's "Flyovers" for Lifelong Learning——Overview on 2013 QF International Conference in Hong Kong
摘要 2013年3月,主题为"让人才全球流动--资历架构国际会议"在香港举行,来自世界400多名代表出席了会议,会议旨在探讨资历架构在终身学习及人力资源发展中的角色和作用。所谓资历架构(Qualifications Framework,简称QF),是一个跨界别的资历等级制度,用以整理和支持主流教育、职业培训和持续进修方面的资历。资历架构建设是终身学习与继续教育的基础性工程,必须依靠质量保证机制来保障。世界各国和地区在资历架构和质量保证方面的经验,为我们搭建终身学习"立交桥"提供了很多启示。目前,中国内地的普通高校继续教育部门、职业院校、开放大学把终身学习"立交桥"建设作为改革发展、制度建设的重要目标之一。中国终身教育的"立交桥"与包括澳大利亚和香港特区在内的多个国家、地区所实施的资历架构异曲同工,都需要以质量为基础,注重评价标准的制定,强调学习成果的评价,以能力和成效为本;需要跨部门、跨行业的多方合作才能实现;需要跨国、跨地区的多方对接才能凸显其价值。 The QF international conference was held in Hong Kong in the March of 2013.The theme of the conference is "Global Mobility-Making it Happen".There are more than 400 delegates attending the conference.The aim of the conference is to discuss the role of qualifications framework in the lifelong learning and human resource development.The term Qualifications Framework,or QF in its short form,is a hierarchy that orders and supports qualifications of academic,vocational and continuing education.The construction of QF is an infrastructure for the lifelong learning and continuing education and all QF-recognized qualifications must be qualitatively assured.The experience of making QF and quality assurance from many countries and regions provides the inspirations for China's "Flyovers" for lifelong learning.Currently,in China many continuing education departments in the traditional higher education institutions,vocational colleges and open universities take the task of building "Flyovers" for lifelong learning as their one of important aims,which is to carry out their education reform and mechanism-making.Actually,the "Flyovers" is the same as the QFs in Hong Kong and Australia though the terms are different.Both systems are based on the quality assurance,focus on the standards,emphasize the audit on learning outcome,and take the way of competence-based and performance-based to recognize the prior experience and learning.It is concluded that the QF can be achieved by the cooperation of inter-sectors and inter-industries and other related parties.Furthermore,its value can be revealed if it facilities articulation among different countries and regions.
作者 刘永权
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2013年第3期91-97,共7页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2012年度教育部重点课题"开放大学外部质量保证研究"(DDA120196)
关键词 终身学习 立交桥 资历架构 香港国际会议 Lifelong Learning Flyovers Qualifications Framework Hong Kong International Conference
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