在社会主义市场经济建设过程中 ,要注意协调好市场机制和政府作用的关系。市场经济中 ,市场机制应处于资源配置的基础地位。要致力于创造一个公开、公正、公平的市场竞争环境 ,加强与市场经济相适应的法制建设 ,使市场机制得以有效地发挥作用 ,提高经济效率。由于不完全竞争、外部性等原因 ,存在“市场失灵”现象 ,政府在经济中也要发挥积极作用 ,如调整收入分配、维护社会公平 ,通过财政政策和货币政策维护经济稳定、消除失业、实现经济均衡稳定增长等。
In the process of construction of socialist market economic system of China, to adjust properly the relation between market mechanism and government role is vitally important The market mechanism should be placed in a fundamental position in the resource allocation of market economy Because of the imperfect competition, economic externalities, market failure could occur Government should create a fair, just and open environment for the market competition Government should take dynamic measures to adjust income distribution, to safeguard the social equity, to maintain the economic stability and eliminate the unemployment and realize the equilibrium, steady growth of economy through the microeconomic policy such as fiscal policy and monetary policy
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics