
西方国家循证矫正的历史发展及其启示 被引量:33

Historical Development of Evidence-based Corrections in Western Countries and its Revelation
摘要 循证矫正概念起源于循证医学并发展于循证实践。它的基础是通过研究犯因性需求等获得最佳证据。以英国、美国等国家为代表的循证矫正关注矫正项目的有效性,通过各种实证的手段检验评估其积极价值与消极价值。循证矫正是一种新的矫正形式,它不仅仅是矫正方法上的创新,还带动了矫正观念的变革。监狱与社区矫正的联动效应与多元化、平缓化矫正手段的提出是对传统单一化、中心化、严厉化矫正模式的扬弃。 The concept of evidence-based correction is deprived from evidence-based medicine and make progress in evidence-based practice.It emphasizes that the basis of correction is to acquire the optimum evidences through criminogenic needs.Evidence-based corrections adopted by US,UK and other western countries focus on the effectiveness of the correction programs.They evaluate the positive and negative values through a variety of empirical methods.As a new form of corrections,evidence-based corrections are not only the innovation of correctional methods,but also promoting the transformation of correctional concept.The effect of the linkage of prison and community corrections and the advocation of diversified and lenient correction methods are the sublations of traditional correction mode which are characterized as simplification,centralization and sternness.
作者 王平 安文霞
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 2013年第3期5-16,159,共12页 Journal Of CUPL
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