
不同作业阶段的分配注意对返回抑制的影响 被引量:5

摘要 在双作业条件下,利用线索-靶子模式进行了两个返回抑制实验。实验一应用简单分心刺激,实验二应用复杂分心刺激。两个实验均在线索呈现阶段或/和靶子呈现阶段安排分心作业。以大学生为被试,其主作业为党察星号,尽快按键作出反应。结果表明。(1)在简单分心作业条件下,返回抑制依然存在,但数值减少;在复杂分心作业条件下,返回抑制全部消失。(2)无论分心作业如何,线索呈现阶段或/和靶子呈现阶段的分散注意对返回抑制所产生的影响均无区别。作者认为,这些结果不支持现有的关于返回抑制的注意抑制说和反应抑制说。作者提出一个新的设想,即返回抑制可能源于激活的知觉表征与反应的某种性质的联系。 Two experiments on inhibition of return(IOR) were conducted using cue-target method with dual task. Simple distraction stimuli were used in the first experiment and complex ones in the second. They were given separately in cue-presentation Phase or / and target-presentation phase in both experiments. College students were tested. Their primary task was to detect the sign a * which appeared in either peripheral box and press corresponding key as soon as they caught the sign. The results showed: (1) There was still an IOR effect in the condition of simple distraction task, but the value of IOR decreased; yet IOR completely disappeared in the condition of complex distraction task. (2) The divided attention at different phase of the task had no difference in its effect on IOR The authors suggested that the results didn't support the attention-inhibited hypothesis and response-inhibited hypothesis. A new hypothesis was proposed that IOR may come from some kind of link between the activated perceptual representation and response.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期361-367,共7页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目!(39770263)
关键词 分配注意 返回抑制 作业阶段 知觉表征 divided attention, inhibition of return, dual task, interference, perceptual representation.
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