目的 :探讨硬膜窦闭塞的MRI诊断价值。方法 :15例硬膜窦闭塞病例 ,用 1 5T超导型磁共振机行自旋回波序列横断面、冠状面的T1WI、T2 WI扫描。 13例行横断位FLAIR序列扫描 ,2例行冠状位FLAIR序列扫描。 2例静脉注射钆喷酸葡胺 2 0ml(钆喷酸葡胺 4 6 9mg/ml)后行磁共振静脉成像 ,7例行造影剂增强扫描。所有病例全部用 3D -PC法行磁共振静脉成像 ,其中 2例尚行DSA检查。结果 :所有病例在T2 WI横断位及冠状位上均清楚显示闭塞硬膜窦内流空信号由不同程度的高信号代替 ,提示血栓形成或肿瘤所致的管腔闭塞。磁共振血管成像基本明确了硬膜窦闭塞的部门及受累范围。结论 :MRI和MRA对硬膜窦闭塞的诊断具有重要价值 ,应作为本病影像学检查的首选方法。
Objective:To evaluate MRI in the diagnosis of sinovenous occlusion. Methods:15 cases, 7 men and 8 women,aging from 24 to 58 with average of 43.0,were examined with 1.5 T super conduct MR scanner (Philips,Gyroscan NT-15,Netherland).Axial SE sequence T 1WI(TR/TE 330/16),T 2WI(TR/TE 2850/120) and FLAIR(TR/TE/TI 8000/150/2200)were applied.Contrast enhanced MRI was done in 7 patients. 3D PC MRA was performed in all cases.DSA was done in 2 cases. Results:Variabe hyperintensity in the sinuses was shown instead of flow void on T 2 WI in all cases of occlusive sinuses,which was indicative of thrombosis or occlusion,al well as the parenchymal abnormalities. Dural sinus obliteration was clearly shown on MRA in all cases. Conclusion:MRI and MRA are very helpful in the diagnosis of dural sinus occlusion and are the modality of choice for the disease.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Shandong
Superior sagittal sinus
Magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance angiography