
双三相永磁同步发电机的矢量控制与数字实现 被引量:6

Vector control for dual three-phase PMSG and digital implementation
摘要 针对相移30°Y型连接双三相永磁同步发电机(DTP-PMSG),分别采用双d-q变换和空间矢量结构方法建立了不完全解耦和完全解耦的DTP-PMSG数学模型。对双三相PMSG进行空间矢量解耦分析,并分析了各子空间与机电能量的关系。分别对双三相PMSG的两种数学模型的矢量控制数字实现进行了理论分析。针对离散型最大四矢量法在一个开关周期内存在单个IGBT全开的现象,提出了一种改进的离散型的最大四矢量方法。最后对两种矢量控制方式进行了实验验证,实验结果表明在达到相同的母线电压时,两种控制方案的控制效果相同,谐波成分不同,验证了两种矢量解耦方式在双三相永磁同步发电机中的有效性。 For dual three-phase permanent magnet synchronous generator (DTP-PMSG) with two sets of Y-connected windings phase shifted by 30 electrical degrees, the mathematic models are established by double d - q transformation and vector space decomposition (VSD) methods separately. By applying VSD for DTP-PMSG, the relationship of each subspace with electromechanical energy conversion was ana- lysed. On the basis of mathematic models, the algorithm for digital implementation was discussed deeply. An improved discrete maximum vector method (DMVM) was proposed in order to avoid insulated gate bi- polar transistor (IGBT) opening in wholly period in traditional methods. Some experiments validate two methods, at same bus voltage level, and the experiment results indicates that two methods can reach the same goal; however, the harmonics orders contained in current are not identical in two methods, validate the effectiveness of proposed methods in DTP-PMSG vector control.
出处 《电机与控制学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期50-56,63,共8页 Electric Machines and Control
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51177026)
关键词 双三相永磁同步发电机 矢量控制 最大四矢量法 数字实现 dual three-phase permanent magnet synchronous generator vector control maximum fourvector methods digital implementation
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