
在种族与国族之间:新加坡多元种族主义政策 被引量:14

Between“Race”and“Nation”: Singapore’s Policy of Multiracialism
摘要 本文在总结新加坡种族格局的形成的基础上,分析了该国的偶然独立造成的国族认同困境和新加坡政府40年来处理种族问题的主要政策,涉及住房、语言、教育、国防等方面。其经验和教训对中国有一定的借鉴意义。 Based on a reappraisal of the formation of the racial scheme in Singapore, the paper analyzes the diffi- culty the state faces in regard to working out a national identity, resulted from its accidental independence. It also analyzes the policies that the Singapore government implemented in the last four decades, such as housing, lan- guage, education, defense, etc. In many respects, the Singapore lessons are instructive to China.
出处 《西北民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期88-98,共11页 Journal of Northwestern Ethnic Studies
关键词 多元种族主义 新加坡 国族与种族 muhiracialism Singapore nation and race
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