
空间异质、空间依赖与我国地区工资变动 被引量:1

Spatial Heterogeneity, Correlation and the Alteration of Regional Wage in China
摘要 在新经济地理学的OTT分析框架下,本文采用同时具有新经济地理学的DCI与OTT分析框架特征的效用函数,发展了多地区的空间工资结构方程,研究结果显示地区工资的变动,跟本地劳动生产率、消费者的偏好多样化、工业品支出份额、消费品价格指数、市场潜力有关,也跟企业的资本收益、地区间的市场开放度有关。实证分析显示我国地区工资的整体空间相关性变动不大,而在局部相关性上,我国地区工资则表现为"高高"与"低低"聚集的空间分布趋势,空间分异特征明显,虽然地区工资差距有不断缩小的趋势。劳动生产率、工业品支出份额、市场潜力的变动与我国地区工资的变动存在显著的正相关关系,空间相关性对我国地区工资的影响也很显著,而其它因素的影响效果不显著。 Under the OTT analytical framework of new economic geography, this paper, developed a multi - regional spatial wage equation by using the utility function which possess the feature of DCI and OTT analysis framework of new economic geography, proposes an idea that the alteration of regional wage not only is related to the local labor productivity, consumer preference diversification, industrial goods expenditure share, consumer price index, market potential, but also to the enterprise capital gains and regional market openness. The empirical result indicates that the global spatial correlation about regional wage shows little change, but an obvious spatial differentiation in partial correlation. Regional wage was behaved for "high - high" and "low - low" aggregation in spatial distribution, although a narrowing trend has been found about the regional wage gap as time passed. There was a significant positive correlation between labor productivity, industrial goods expenditure share, market potential and regional wage changes; spatial correlation also has an important impact on it, but no significant impact were found in other factors on regional wage.
作者 何雄浪 杨霞
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 2013年第4期32-48,共17页 South China Journal of Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研"新形势下加快形成西部沿边开放格局的机制与对策研究"(12YJA790127) 西南民族大学研究生学位点建设项目(2011XWD-S0202)的资助
关键词 空间异质 空间依赖 地区工资 新经济地理学 Spatial Heterogeneity Spatial Correlation Regional Wage New Economic Geography.
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